章诗宇 1,2,3,*吴江 4李明 1,2聂明超 1,2徐健 1,2
1 武汉光迅科技股份有限公司,武汉 430205
2 光通信技术和网络全国重点实验室,武汉 430074
3 武汉邮电科学研究院有限公司,武汉 430074
4 中国移动通信有限公司,北京 100033





实验结果表明,采用同相正交(IQ)解调算法,压电换能器(PZT)加扰的100 Hz扰动信号可实现线性还原。


结果表明,文章所提系统可实现176.6 km超长单跨距振动信号传感,打破了现有φOTDR单跨距传感距离记录。前176 km振动曲线平稳且振幅低于0.4 rad,三维(3D)瀑布图中无扰动位置相对平稳,链路末端PZT加扰的扰动信号可准确感知。经快速傅里叶变换(FFT)处理后,100 Hz扰动信号的信噪比为8.9 dB。实验结果对于搭建超长跨距φOTDR传感系统提供了一定参考价值,对φOTDR系统的无中继超长距离传感发展具有一定意义。

分布式光纤传感技术 相位敏感光时域反射仪 远程泵浦光放大器 distributed optical fiber sensor technology φOTDR ROPA 
2024, 50(2): 22007601
1 电子科技大学, 基础与前沿研究院, 成都 610054
2 电子科技大学, 电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室, 成都 611731
本文针对激光雷达等中、远距离传感应用, 设计并制备了3结905 nm垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)。通过PICS3D软件对多结VCSEL相邻有源区间距和P型分布布拉格反射镜(DBR)对数进行仿真计算, 设计了具有2λ的相邻有源区间距和14对P型DBR的3结VCSEL。在此基础上, 外延生长和制备了100单元3结905 nm VCSEL阵列, 单元氧化孔径为15 μm。在窄脉冲条件下(脉冲宽度 100 ns, 占空比 0.05%), 该阵列的最大峰值功率达到24.7 W, 峰值功率密度为182 W/mm2。
垂直腔面发射激光器 多结级联 金属有机物化学气相沉积 隧道结 驻波场 窄脉冲测试 vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser multi-diode cascade metal-organic chemical vapor deposition tunnel junction standing wave pattern narrow pulse measurement 
2023, 52(5): 818
李道京 1,*吴疆 1,2周凯 1,2高敬涵 1,2崔岸婧 1,2
1 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院微波成像技术国家级重点实验室,北京 100190
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
针对天文观测和深空探测需求,提出了天基激光本振6.5 m衍射综合孔径红外射电望远镜的概念和形式,给出了激光本振阵列探测器形式,设计了基于衍射光学系统的综合孔径红外射电望远镜结构。该望远镜采用孔径渡越补偿信号处理方法扩大光谱范围,具有光学系统复杂度低、体积小和质量轻的特点。给出了系统主要参数和成像仿真结果,当中心波长为1.55 μm时,角分辨率约为0.24 μrad,最大不模糊视场角度约为1.55 mrad,光谱范围为0.2 μm,其探测灵敏度要比传统6.5 m口径望远镜高2倍,可观测的极限星等优于21。
成像系统 红外光谱 综合孔径 激光本振 衍射光学系统 射电望远镜 天文观测 
2023, 60(10): 1011001
刘东 1,2,3姚清睿 1张思诺 4高佳欣 1[ ... ]刘崇 1
1 浙江大学 光电科学与工程学院 现代光学仪器国家重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027
2 浙江大学 嘉兴研究院 智能光电创新中心,浙江 嘉兴 314000
3 浙江大学杭州国际科创中心,浙江 杭州 311200
4 浙江大学 信息与电子工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
拉曼激光雷达 温度测量 湿度测量 分光技术 光电探测器 raman lidar temperature measurement humidity measurement spectroscopic technology photoelectric detector 
2023, 16(2): 243
吴疆 1,2李道京 1,*崔岸婧 1,2高敬涵 1,2周凯 1,2
1 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院 微波成像技术国家级重点实验室,北京 100190
2 中国科学院大学 电子电气与通信工程学院,北京 100049
针对天文观测和深空探测需求,提出了星载10 m合成孔径相干成像望远镜概念和形式。给出了波长可调谐激光本振相干探测器形式,分析了大口径衍射薄膜镜的双波段实现方式和系统主要参数。提出了基于子镜结构的光学合成孔径相干成像算法,给出了基于相位恢复的阵列形变误差波前估计仿真结果,由于多个子镜所接收复信号的成像处理在计算机软件中完成,相比传统望远镜,可降低对微调机构等硬件的精度要求。该望远镜在短波红外1.45~1.65 μm光谱范围内的中心波长角分辨率为0.15 μrad;在中波红外4.55~4.75 μm光谱范围内的中心波长角分辨率为0.46 μrad,其探测灵敏度在原理上是传统10 m口径望远镜的约2.8倍。
光学合成孔径 相干成像 波前估计 衍射光学系统 红外光谱 天文观测 Optical synthetic aperture Coherent imaging wavefront estimation Diffractive optical system Infrared spectrum Astronomical observation 
2023, 52(1): 0111002
高敬涵 1,2李道京 1,*周凯 1,2崔岸婧 1,2[ ... ]姚园 3
1 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院微波成像技术国家级重点实验室,北京 100190
2 中国科学院大学电子电气与通信工程学院,北京 100049
3 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林 长春 130033
遥感 激光雷达 衍射光学系统 激光扩束 宽视场接收 雷达方程 
2023, 50(5): 0510001
Author Affiliations
The human visual system, dependent on retinal cells, can be regarded as a complex combination of optical system and nervous system. Artificial retinal system could mimic the sensing and processing function of human eyes. Optically stimulated synaptic devices could serve as the building blocks for artificial retinas and subsequent information transmission system to brain. Herein, photonic synaptic transistors based on polycrystalline MoS2, which could simulate human visual perception and brain storage, are presented. Moreover, the photodetection range from visible light to near-infrared light of MoS2 multilayer could extend human eyes’ vision limitation to near-infrared light. Additionally, the photonic synaptic transistor shows an ultrafast speed within 5 μs and ultralow power consumption under optical stimuli about 40 aJ, several orders of magnitude lower than biological synapses (50 ms and 10 fJ). Furthermore, the backgate control could act as emotional modulation of the artificial brain to enhance or suppress memory function, i.e. the intensity of photoresponse. The proposed carrier trapping/detrapping as the main working mechanism is presented for the device. In addition, synaptic functionalities including short synaptic plasticity, long synaptic plasticity and paired-pulse facilitation could be successfully simulated based on the prepared device. Furthermore, the large difference between short synaptic plasticity and long synaptic plasticity reveals the better image pre-processing function of the prepared photonic synapses. The classical Pavlovian conditioning associated with the associative learning is successfully implemented as well. Therefore, the efficient and rich functionalities demonstrate the potential of the MoS2 synaptic device that integrates sensing-memory-preprocessing capabilities for realizing artificial neural networks with different emotions that mimic human retina and brain.The human visual system, dependent on retinal cells, can be regarded as a complex combination of optical system and nervous system. Artificial retinal system could mimic the sensing and processing function of human eyes. Optically stimulated synaptic devices could serve as the building blocks for artificial retinas and subsequent information transmission system to brain. Herein, photonic synaptic transistors based on polycrystalline MoS2, which could simulate human visual perception and brain storage, are presented. Moreover, the photodetection range from visible light to near-infrared light of MoS2 multilayer could extend human eyes’ vision limitation to near-infrared light. Additionally, the photonic synaptic transistor shows an ultrafast speed within 5 μs and ultralow power consumption under optical stimuli about 40 aJ, several orders of magnitude lower than biological synapses (50 ms and 10 fJ). Furthermore, the backgate control could act as emotional modulation of the artificial brain to enhance or suppress memory function, i.e. the intensity of photoresponse. The proposed carrier trapping/detrapping as the main working mechanism is presented for the device. In addition, synaptic functionalities including short synaptic plasticity, long synaptic plasticity and paired-pulse facilitation could be successfully simulated based on the prepared device. Furthermore, the large difference between short synaptic plasticity and long synaptic plasticity reveals the better image pre-processing function of the prepared photonic synapses. The classical Pavlovian conditioning associated with the associative learning is successfully implemented as well. Therefore, the efficient and rich functionalities demonstrate the potential of the MoS2 synaptic device that integrates sensing-memory-preprocessing capabilities for realizing artificial neural networks with different emotions that mimic human retina and brain.
MoS2 synaptic transistors visual perception ultralow power consumption memory 
Opto-Electronic Advances
2022, 5(9): 210069
Author Affiliations
1 Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China
2 College of Optoelectronic Technology, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China
3 CINBIO, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo 36310, Spain
4 Physics Department, University of Calabria, Rende I-87036, Italy
5 School of Physics and Technology, Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
6 Institute for Advanced Study, Chengdu University, Chengdu 610106, China
7 e-mail: arup@uestc.edu.cn
8 e-mail: zhmwang@uestc.edu.cn
The integration of a single III-V semiconductor quantum dot with a plasmonic nanoantenna as a means toward efficient single-photon sources (SPEs) is limited due to its weak, wide-angle emission, and low emission rate. These limitations can be overcome by designing a unique linear array of plasmonic antenna structures coupled to nanowire-based quantum dot (NWQD) emitters. A linear array of a coupled device composed of multiple plasmonic antennas at an optimum distance from the quantum dot emitter can be designed to enhance the directionality and the spontaneous emission rate of an integrated single-photon emitter. Finite element modeling has been used to design these compact structures with high quantum efficiencies and directionality of single-photon emission while retaining the advantages of NWQDs. The Purcell enhancement factor of these structures approaches 66.1 and 145.8, respectively. Compared to a single NWQD of the same diameter, the fluorescence was enhanced by 1054 and 2916 times. The predicted collection efficiencies approach 85% (numerical aperture, NA=0.5) and 80% (NA=0.5), respectively. Unlike single-photon emitters based on bulky conventional optics, this is a unique nanophotonic single-emission photon source based on a line-array configuration that uses a surface plasmon-enhanced design with minimum dissipation. The designs presented in this work will facilitate the development of SPEs with potential integration with semiconductor optoelectronics.
Photonics Research
2022, 10(9): 2178
李道京 1,*高敬涵 1,2崔岸婧 1,2周凯 1,2吴疆 1,2
1 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院微波成像技术国家级重点实验室,北京 100190
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
针对对地三维成像和海洋水深测量的需求,对轨道高度为500 km、口径为2 m的谐衍射光学系统星载双波长陆海激光雷达系统进行了分析。基于单光子阵列探测器,分析了大口径衍射光学系统的光学合成孔径实现方式,并设计了系统参数。波长为1.55 μm的陆地观测激光雷达的主要性能指标为:地面像元分辨率4 m,交轨瞬时幅宽4 km,高程测量精度0.3 m。波长为0.516 μm的海洋观测激光雷达的可探测水深达30 m。分析了激光本振阵列探测器的结构,提出了基于相干探测的光学合成孔径技术,有望采用计算成像的方式,利用多个子口径的低分辨率复图像信号相干合成高分辨率图像,同时提高图像的信噪比。相同系统参数下的对比分析表明,波长为1.55 μm的陆地观测激光雷达采用相干探测体制后,探测性能优于传统的直接探测。采用子口径结构,可降低衍射光学系统的加工难度,同时子口径结构焦距短的特点使得光学系统的轴向尺寸和重量大幅减小。
遥感 激光雷达 衍射光学系统 光学合成孔径 阵列探测器 
2022, 49(3): 0310001
李道京 1,*周凯 1,2崔岸婧 1,2乔明 1[ ... ]高敬涵 1,2
1 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院微波成像技术国家级重点实验室, 北京100190
2 中国科学院大学, 北京100049
3 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所, 吉林 长春 130033
成像系统 逆合成孔径激光雷达 相干成像 干涉处理 激光扩束 运动补偿 
2021, 58(18): 1811017

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